Clinical integration is needed to facilitate the coordination of patient care across conditions, providers, settings, and time in order to achieve care that is safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-focused. To achieve clinical integration we need to promote changes in provider culture, redesign payment methods and incentives, and modernize federal laws.
– The American Hospital Association
Hospital leaders and physicians continually work to adapt to an ever-changing healthcare landscape. As today’s healthcare leaders invest in managing the health of a population, improving patient experience and outcomes and establishing risk-based contracts they realize clinical integration is a key opportunity for success.
This type of legal agreement enables hospitals and physicians to collaborate on improving quality and efficiency, while remaining independent entities.
DHP is a clinically and financially integrated network. Participants agree to follow proven clinical protocols that deliver high quality, cost-effective care. The protocols focus on improving care and eliminating unnecessary testing and procedures, while advocating for better health and wellness to prevent illness. Insurance contracts integrate member physicians with rewards or risks based on the quality and efficiency of patient care.
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